I often sit in crowded waiting rooms pondering the thoughts and emotional states of others, some are sad, some are angry and some are happy and full of love .. yet the walls are the same ;) Indeed in observing this I realise that (aside from uncontrolled external events/influences) we are masters in creating our own destiny and shaping our own thought processes. It's not the problems that we encounter that define who we are .. but rather how we choose to rise to them.
In terms of mental health I very much feel that our disconnection from nature has played a profound part in unbalancing our psyche, it's just that some notice it more profoundly than others. By removing ourselves from the cycle of life we create our own psychological cycles and when these emotional knots become too tight it exhibits itself as mental illness and depression. Indeed most people are entirely unaware that to this day there is still a debate raging (amongst academics) as to whether depression is a chemical imbalance ..of course to big pharma it's an open and shut case as otherwise they wouldn't be able to sell you their magic pills. Thank you for another beautiful and thought provoking post my friend :)
I agree completely, so many feel like something is missing in their lives and yes it is the disconnection from nature, so much agree with what you are saying about cycles, we need to experience the true cycles of live we so need to and is not we create our own. Thank you my friend, I really do love to connect with you on here and get to hear your wisdom and truth xxx