Your a bitch... So what's up plant torturer... Bet your just jealous of my life and accomplishments. Because you will never be me.or get to do anything like I have.
Just jealousy because your a pitiful boring plant abuser... And can't even laugh. So uptight bet your shits are like angel hair pasta...
World's biggest ego... Master grower his first time... !!!
All hail the greatest douchebag!
Your a bitch... So what's up plant torturer... Bet your just jealous of my life and accomplishments. Because you will never be me.or get to do anything like I have.
Just jealousy because your a pitiful boring plant abuser... And can't even laugh. So uptight bet your shits are like angel hair pasta...
you really are a moron
Well sounds like the pot is calling the kettle black. Mr level 58...
Just mad you lost a follower..
And shrug. Waste your vote power.
Bit hey. Here is a vote for you. Thanks for helping me promote...