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RE: Working With The Elements - Part 1

I love the way you were conscious of both Europe and indigenous - it's a tension in this country that we still haven't resolved. How beautiful it would have been if, from the outset, we had found a way to incorporate both, in a true spirit of conciliation rather than needing the 're' later on. What would our Australian ceremonies have looked like then, after 200 years of being here? Would it have been occupation, or truly living here at one with the original culture that had so much to teach us? I rarely get chance to participate in ritual. It's just circumstance. We are quite isolated in our lives. I light a candle by my personal altar instead, the small rituals to mark time on this Earth and honour life and spirit.


those small rituals are just as important and powerful, it is the intention that you have created and the energy you send out. How amazing it would have been indeed if the aboriginal way was honoured and embraced and there was a unity that took place between two peoples xxx