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RE: Food As Medicine: Our Bodies Are Our Gardens

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago

Indeed....what we eat does matter as ultimately it leads to our well being....but is there any solution to Arthirities...I don't think there is Dad bear the pain for 12 years untill finally decided for knee replacement at 74 and later because of heavy antibiotics his kidney pain after's pretty worst thing one could get

Posted using Partiko Android


Arthritis is terrible as are the terrible side effects of medication. The best course of action to take is so hard to choose sometimes. A friend of mine has it in his feet and he uses a cannabis-infused oil that he rubs in, and also sometimes he takes an oral cannabis natural medicine when the pain is really bad. He's suffered for years and taken all kinds of medication and tells me that cannabis has been quite a miracle for him. I've heard (And seen) that cannabis is quite effective for arthritis pain but fortunately we are in Canada where it is legal to use.

The best part for you legal we tried all kind of treatment Ayurveda, Unani, Elopathy, massage and all other local doctors who confirms of better treatment before finally choses replacement ...and that now he suffers more...

Posted using Partiko Android

I am so sorry to hear that the surgery made things worse. Sounds like your father has been on a long hard road to trying to treat his arthritis pain. I hope he finds something that gives him relief.