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RE: Transactional vs Relational Culture - Which Is Better?

in #naturalmedicine4 years ago

I have not lived or visited your country, the United States, but I think that even with the observations you make to its system in general, it is a good country. I think that there is no need to discard or dismiss what they already have, but to enrich it with more love, compassion and goodwill, and this can be achieved by educating the new generations and by carrying out independent initiatives, whose core is love, and not any ideology, philosophy or religion. Replicating how Mother Earth loves us without limits and without expecting any retribution, should be the guide for this type of activity. Your post makes us reflect on many things that we usually ignore. A big greeting and blessings to you.

No he vivido ni visitado a tu país, a los Estados Unidos, pero creo que aún con las observaciones que haces a su sistema en general, es un buen país. Pienso que no hay necesidad de desechar o desestimar lo que ya tienen, sino enriquecerlo con más amor, compasión y buena voluntad, y esto puede lograrse mediante la educación a las nuevas generaciones y a la realización de iniciativas independientes, cuyo núcleo sea el amor, y no una ideología, filosofía o religión alguna. El replicar el como la Madre Tierra nos ama sin límites y sin esperar retribución alguna, debería ser la guía para este tipo de actividades. Tu post hace que reflexionemos sobre muchas cosas que por lo general obviamos. Un gran saludo y bendiciones para tí.


That is definitely the challenge. For myself, I'm ready for something different, but for those who are here (or even me from a distance) the challenge really is to keep evolving. We must appreciate what is, but also realize the gap and reach for what we most wish to be.