These last few days I have been writing a lot about community and Tribe here on Steemit and in my personal life I have seen and experienced first hand the huge benefits of having my community around me. I really enjoy having time to myself and time with just my girls. I have never felt the need to have people around me all the time, if anything I can feel a bit overwhelmed, if there are. I like a balance between the two.
Recently my life changed, I split from my partner of 11 and a half years and found myself a single mum to my 3 girls. I have always been fiercely independent and it has been so important to me in the past, that I always be the one to look after myself. I guess that comes from growing up in an abusive home and feeling let down, so much by my parents. Because of this, I always found it difficult to ask for help, as if I still needed to prove to myself that I could manage. Of course that changed for me when I became a parent, I started to reach out to others so that we could support one another on our parenting journey.
When I got pregnant with my first Daughter, I joined a anarchy parenting group in Cork, being in the group and engaging with other parents who really shared similar values to me was hugely supportive. Most of us were anti-vaccination, really into attachment parenting and had no intention of sending our children to mainstream schools and most of us wanted home births. We all felt very connected to the earth,all of these things really bonded us. . I had just landed back in Ireland after being away for 11 years and I had no community there. I moved to Cork because it was free to have an independent midwife and as a result a home birth. It wasn't long before I found the local anarchy bookshop and it was from there that I found my community.

It is not easy to go against the flow, you have to be prepared to be called irresponsible and an unfit parent because of your views, but with my community behind me I felt empowered. I was not alone in my views and I stood taller as a result. I would still have made the same decisions, but it would have been a lot tougher to fight my corner and I would have come away more exhausted. Being within that group and during our weekly meetings, we would discuss what needed to be discussed, we would share our research on vaccinations, on alternative therapies, on home education and we would reassure one another and as a result each one of use would leave feeling recharged. Ready to go back out into the world and stand firm in our choices. Once our babies were born we keep the group going until eventually it turned into an anarchy kids group. But I had my core community there and from that we formed a women's circle, called the Wild Women of Cork and the dad's would meet every week with the kids in the local forest to teach and learn bush skills. I can not really find the words, that give justice, to the amount of support that the women's group gave me. It was a place where we could gather together and allow out wild side to be free, to dance, sing, play music and just be. So liberating and so important in strengthening our connection to the earth and one another.
There is that saying that it takes a community to raise a child and I agree with that, but it also takes a community to help us grow as adults.
I am the person I am, because of my life experiences, the choices I have made and the people who have come into my life. We have so much to learn from one another, so much to share and exchange with one another. Sure we can be strong when we are alone and we sure as hell can get things done. I done that a lot in my late teens and all through my 20's, too scared to reach out to my friends, because I did not wish to feel let down and because I did not feel worthy of their support. Back then it was me against the world, me curled up with nature not trusting other people. But now I am stronger and happier with my community around me.
Right now I have two communities in my life, the one on here and the one away from here and wow I really have been blown away by the amount of support they both have given me and how empowered I have felt because of them.
As I mentioned earlier I have been going through a huge transition in my life, experiencing times where I have been over come with sadness and others where I have been over come by rage. Writing about those times on here, sharing them with my online community really helped me to let go of those feelings, but more than that has been the chats that i have had with some people on Discord. At any given time there is usually some one online, someone I could reach out to and I did. With @riverflows very late at night for me, yet day time for her, she has so often reassured me, supported me, made me laugh and lifted me up. If there is anyone who knows how to shower you with love, it is her, we even had a little sing along together. Those moments where pure rays of sunshine for me and I have so much respect and love for that fabulous lady.

Damn but I feel very lucky and honoured to have such amazing community and Tribe online, @solarsupermama for your lovin', @eco-alex for your constant support, @holisticmom for always checking in on me, @walkerland for your words and you offer of help, @kafkanarchy84 for your help and for always asking how I am, @misslasvegas for making me feel not so alone, @rensoul17 for your kind words and constant love and distant healing and beautiful Wren who is part of @mountainjewel for lifting me up with your words. Logan, who is @aware007 for your love and that wonderful energy you and your's have send me. I really could go on and I really do feel so damn lucky. Of course, then there are the communities, that I am a part of on here, that all seek to find ways to make the world a better place. Who are all earth warriors in their own way and who all are making the world a better place. Knowing all of you that are part of @ecotrain, @tribesteemup, @freedomtribe, @tribeglobal-love, has enriched my life no end. Knowing that we spread right across the world, well that there is so empowering. I am so much more empowered because of you all. Thank you!
A few weeks ago @vegan.niinja contacted me to see if we could arrange a meet up as she was coming to Spain for a few days. Of course I said yes, I am so inspired by her and her food. So last Monday she arrived in my local town with her husband and beautiful little boy and now just over a week later they are still here. They are staying in my caravan next to my truck and they have really been spoiling me, cooking me and my girls amazing food, and helping me out with work in and around the Truck. Niina's husband even made me and the girls a pull out bed.
Before they came, I really had begun to feel exhausted and a bit overwhelmed with some things in my life. I really had been looking forward to a break when I returned back to Spain in July after spending 6 weeks in Ireland with my sister, but instead arrived back to my partner telling me he had met someone else whilst I was away. So since then I felt like I was running on empty, but then Niina and her family came and now I am feeling recharged.
On top of that I have some friends who are coming to my place on Friday to help me get my winter garden set up. I kind of neglected my garden's this year as I was over and back to Ireland, and I was definitely feeling overwhelmed by the work I needed to put in to them, so that I could once again grow some food. But now, because of my local community, what would have taken me days, will now be done in one. Helping me, to keep me and my girls nourished with fresh food and getting me back into the garden, which I find so therapeutic. There are so many benefits to growing your own food, be it for your physical health or mental health.
Today I also held my first creative circle, which went really well and which is a huge step forward in the start up of my Women's Collective, Weave To Empower. I am setting up this project so that me and other mums can come together and support one another. The idea of this community has really helped me thrive in the last few weeks as it has really got me to become creative again and now that it has started to happen, it has made me feel even more empowered.
When we come together and share ideas, when we come together to support one another, we are creating such positive energy that flows from us out into the world. This powerful force, this love that we generate, it is this love, that is creating change. Change in us and change in the world and this is how community helps me thrive. Because when I am engaging with my community here on Steemit or when I am with my local community, I am communicating with them from a place of love and respect. Because we honour one another and we want to create a better world together. Being part of my communities makes me a better person because I strive to be the person I am meant to be.
We can Journey alone
and still we will learn
but in Gathering together
we will reaffirm our power
and stand stronger altogether.
and still we will learn
but in Gathering together
we will reaffirm our power
and stand stronger altogether.
Please check out this amazing challenge created by @naturalmedicine and get involved.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp

this is so beautiful and such a testament to the power of coming together when we are strong and also when we are not feeling strong! honored to be here with you trucklife and i'm so glad you're surrounded by such a good community on and off steem! also happy to hear you had your first meeting! i agree, i still would stand even if i had to forever stand alone, but it's so much easier to be different or variant when there are others standing with you. it's empowering. <3
thank you Wren, I just added you, can't believe I forgot your beautiful self when sharing my thanks for the supportive community on here. Much love to you xxxx
vegan.niinja ?Hi @trucklife-family, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @vegan-niinja doesn't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @
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.thank you @checky
Aw this made me tear up a lot - feel so happy I can be here for you in times of trouble babe and isn't it funny that sometimes when things are going fine we don't even realise how many great people we have around us willing to support us and help us thrive. I love that you are just a community girl through and through, both here and in your real world, and are always thinking of ways to bring people together. xx
I can't thank you enough, so much love and gratitude to you, you are truly wonderful xxxx
ahh, what a lovely read! Happy to hear ms ninja has joined the tribe over there in spain.> DAmn jelous you got her blessing you with her culinary delights! ha! Soudns like you got a lovely little community over there in sunny spain!
sending you so much love and support for your transitions.. they take time! I might be about to be launched into a HUGE one myself asi just found out i MIGHT not get a new visa next week due to some changes,, ill know more in a few hours! All we can do is let go, trust, and do what we think is right!
Thank you Alex, yes quite a few of us are going through such huge transitions right now, sending you positive energy that whatever is about to happen. I'll be thinking for you xxx
And yes I am so lucky to have Niina here, they really have spoiled me xxx
OK Aishlinn, there they are...happy tears once again. You routinely do this to me, and I want you to know I deeply appreciate it. Your posts, your experiences, your recovery and new growth are inspirations to I dare say all of us.
So much love to all of you,
-Logan And Niina (@vegan.niinja) and family are now new heroes of mine, what an absolutely awesome and uplifting experience for all of you.
Bless you Logan and thank you for your support and friendship, much love and respect to you my friend xxx
Oh sweetheart, you inspire me so much, your wisdom and experiences you share amazes me everyday. I am forever grateful for getting to know you and your amazing girls this way, online and offline Steemit! We are so happy to share our food with you and see how you live here in Spain, who could imagine that we would move here just 2 weeks ago, lol! Thank you for letting us stay here with you until we find a place, and thank you for being so helpful and supportive in all kind of ways! It is so great to get to know your community and to attend at your first women circle!
Thank you beautiful, everything really did work out the way it was meant to, I have benefited so much having you all here, this is what true community is all about, much love and can't wait till you get back here xxxx
Oh already missing you and the girls, we loved staying with you, and soon we will be back! Much love and kisses to you all!
Hey @trucklife-family a beautifully written post my friend,sometimes life's greatest opportunities come hidden among our most difficult times. I certainly agree that we are each strong but we are strongest when we stand together. I tend to feel that if you are a good person (with good intent) then similar people are drawn towards you, in fact your post has just made me realise that statement is veritas. :) Thank you for sharing your words my friend.
always lovely to have you drop by and share your wisdom with me @perceptualflaws xxxx
You have gone through really difficult phase & you ate part of interesting community @trucklife-family
thank you @gaurang x