Cannabis Oficially Legal In Canada: Natural Healing & Super Food?

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)


Now that Cannabis is officially legal in Canada, I want to mention my fondness for this plant and how beneficial it is when it comes to natural health, nutrition & medicine.

When you get past the stigma of cannabis being an illegal drug and you look at it from a perspective of botany it soon becomes fascinating and compelling. It is a plant that offers so much and asks for so little and in the end it is just that - a plant that grows in the earth.

You can utilize cannabis without experiencing ANY psychoactive effects!

The Brief History Of Cannabis Criminalization in Canada

In 1923, Canada became one of the first countries in the world to outlaw cannabis, giving it the same status as opium and other narcotics. As written in a 2002 Canadian Senate committee report, “Cannabis: Our Position for a Canadian Public Policy”: “Early drug legislation was largely based on a moral panic, racist sentiment and a notorious absence of debate.” source

Fast forward 95 years to October 17th 2018 and Canada is about to become the second country in the world and first G7 nation to legalize marijuana. This has been a LONG time coming! I find it hard to celebrate something that should have simply been decriminalized in the first place but this is a move in the right direction.

Natural Medicine

I care a LOT about legal and FREE access to cannabis. I believe in the power of plant healing and have been impressed with the medicinal properties of cannabis. There are many non recreational uses for this plant and it is so compelling for someone who loves natural medicine to want to explore how it can benefit my own life.

Topical creams can heal various aliments and alleviate pain. The leaves can be eaten in salads or juiced as a super food, far more nutritious than kale or other greens. Even the seeds and the roots can be dried and used! This is a truly amazing plant.

I have witnessed the beneficial impacts cannabis has on people suffering with severe illnesses: specifically Multiple Sclerosis and debilitating arthritic pain. When you watch someone who is suffering, breathe a sigh of relief because their suffering is lessened, it really opens your eyes to the power of plants.

Here are some of the nutritional Statistics (this list is not comprehensive).

The more I read, the more I seem to uncover about this plant and this is the same for scientists. This plant is extensively studied and yet they keep unearthing more about it.


Complete Protein, High in Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids

Cannabis Leaf

Rich source of fibre, Flavonoids, 9 Essential Amino acids, Essential oils, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorous, free radical scavenging polyphenols, flavonoids.

Cannabis Seeds

Protein, Carbohydrates, Insoluble fibre, Beta-carotene, Phosphorous potassium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Vitamins E, C, B1, B3, B6 essential fatty acids. source

Cannabis Roots

Although it's not common to hear of people using cannabis roots much these days, they have a rich history as a medical substance. Chinese texts dating back to 2700 BCE discuss the use of cannabis root as a medicine to reduce pain caused by broken bones and surgeries. The text describes how roots would be dried, then ground to form a paste. The roots were also said to be juiced or boiled to make a tea that was apparently used as a diuretic, to stop bleeding during childbirth and reduce pain from minor injuries.source

We've all read about how cannabis helps kids who suffer from debilitating seizures. We've all read the countless stories about how this plant helps and heals. We've also read about or know first hand about people who can't afford medications or treatments and it seems reprehensible that they aren't allowed to at least grow and try cannabis.

A lot of what we do know about cannabis comes from trial and error, people using cannabis as a last resort for healing. As this plant become more commonly accepted, I hope that studies are made available that will help people even more.

I am glad Canada has legalized cannabis and hope that we'll set an example and de-stigmatize it for the rest of the world.

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