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RE: Finding Root Causes & Supporting My System: #ihaveanxietytoo

This post is wonderful! I learned so much. I appreciate that you guided me to tapping. I have not been able to make it work but thankfully my anxiety faded so I've got time and a better mental state to explore it now.

I am going to give magnesium powder a whirl. I'm definitely needing some self care after this last bout of anxiety and also the "vacation". It was quite stressful.


Aw thanks, did you watch @eftnow's videos? Discord me and tell me about yours stressful vacation!! Yes, my love, support your system - so important! x

I wish! The sun and moon has to align before my internet connection will allow me to play a video. (Slight exaggeration but ... it is a rare occasion). I will keep trying as I do want to watch them. I'm not sure I want to pass that energy on with the vacation story but I would love to chat! I've been super busy with harvest and I am so eager to catch up!!