Dear Friends....
Some people might recognize papaya as a fruit that can facilitate digestion. But actually there are various benefits of papaya for health and beauty you need to know:
(1). Make your eyes healthy. Papaya contains vitamin A which is good for the eyes. Vitamin A is needed for healthy corneas and produces enough moisture so that the eyes are always well lubricated.
(2). Healthy hair and nails. Papaya is rich in vitamins and minerals that help increase hair and nail growth. This orange fruit can even be used as a hair mask to nourish hair.
(3). Cure sunburned skin. Papaya contains a substance called lycopene. According to research, consuming lycopene can maintain skin health because the antioxidant activity of this substance plays a role in counteracting cell damage caused by free radicals.
(4). Improve digestion. Do you know why papaya is famous for launching digestion? This is because papaya contains the enzyme papain which makes protein easier to digest. According to research, eating papaya for 40 days is thought to cure constipation and flatulence.
(5). Heart health. Papaya which contains vitamin C and lycopene can be one of the foods that help reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, antioxidants in papaya can also increase the effects of good cholesterol (HDL) in the body.
(5). Reducing the risk of cancer. Papaya contains antioxidant lycopene which can reduce cancer-causing free radicals.
(6). Antiaging. Various nutrients in papaya can make the skin stay healthy and look young. For example the papain enzyme which helps soften and revitalize the skin, as well as vitamins A and C which help reduce wrinkles and fade black spots. Not only that, vitamin C is also useful to help the body produce collagen which can reduce wrinkles.
(7). Boosts the immune system. Vitamins A, C, and E in papaya can help strengthen the immune system. As a result, we also avoid infectious diseases, such as colds and flu.
(8). Good for dengue fever. Papaya is thought to have a good effect on diseases caused by dengue virus which can suppress platelet counts. Research shows that dengue infection sufferers who get papaya leaf extract have an increase in platelets faster than those who get regular treatment. However, this effect still needs further clinical investigation.
If you do not have an allergy to papaya and the contents in it, start to eat this one fruit to feel the various benefits of papaya mentioned above. By adding papaya in your daily menu, the intake of nutrients for the body will increase and you can avoid some diseases.
May be useful....
Thanks for the information!
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You mentioned some research was done on Papaya with relation to dengue fever. It would be great if you would link to it in your post so that others could read up on it.