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RE: A Show of Hands....?

I faced the same dilemma visiting Dad on cancer ward. I wasn't entirely convinced it would make a difference and I was looking at all these people walk in with shoes and bags and feet and arms and thinking - hang on, they aren't all sanitised, why is it just hands lol? And I'm clean - I washed my hands, I showered! And intuitively, I'm thinking - this stuff can't be good for you - I don't use it at work either though it's on every desk (I can see a bottle on my colleagues desk right now) - so it's good to read this and find out exactly why it isn't! I did have to laugh about your self note about coffee and forthrightness - you must be terrifying. Remind me when we meet NOT to take you out for a coffee .. he he xx


Promise we shall drink only fine red wine when you visit. LOL. Yes, I am aware of my shortcomings. :) It would be an interesting study to bloodtest people like teachers for blood triclosan levels, no?