A family friend runs an aquatic wholesaling business that sells exclusively to local aquatic stores across the region. I decided to keep two after bringing in the final group.
Yes, for ethical reasons, the wholesaler only supplies local independent pet stores. None of the frogs are sent for experimentation or anything like that (labs/universities usually buy from xenopus.com or have their own in-house program, especially now that they're no longer used in pregnancy test and are primarily used in embryonic experiments).
A family friend runs an aquatic wholesaling business that sells exclusively to local aquatic stores across the region. I decided to keep two after bringing in the final group.
So these are hobbyists who get the turtles? They'll be pets?
I meant to say frogs--working on a piece with turtles--have turtles on the brain:)
Yes, for ethical reasons, the wholesaler only supplies local independent pet stores. None of the frogs are sent for experimentation or anything like that (labs/universities usually buy from xenopus.com or have their own in-house program, especially now that they're no longer used in pregnancy test and are primarily used in embryonic experiments).
Thank you! I respect and appreciate that :)