My new flower plant of roof top garden. Yesterday, I bought the plants in full bloom. I have to extra take care of them because they are new in my garden. I liked the flower color very much.
My new flower plant of roof top garden. Yesterday, I bought the plants in full bloom. I have to extra take care of them because they are new in my garden. I liked the flower color very much.
Very nice rose. Upvoted and resteemed
The color of these flowers are so vivid and sharp! They are so bright it almost seems too real. Thanks for sharing your amazing flowers.
wow, what a beauty? I like your flower.
Beaaauutiifuullll! Red rose is always as beautiful as the feeling of love! <3
I suggest you to keep growing your garden with more flowers like peace lily, damask rose, rosa peace, centifolia roses etc etc to add extra beauty to your gorgeous garden!
Like I was, my friend, my friend, I might have forgotten, I wondered why I was thinking. I forgot you for forgiveness, then what would you give me SMS? very beautiful followers.good post