
in #nature7 years ago

Our environment strongly advocates diversity. It reflects varieties disagreements from tiny particles of matter to the huge galaxies bodies.
If we can easily observe atoms of various have different properties and features which in turn after combination forms various compounds and molecules .Which show different features.

Same as the case with plants. There are different types of plants. Each plant has different flowers, fruits and vegetables from the other species. These fruits, vegetables have in turn have variety of taste, colors etc.
Some plants are also harmful to animals. This furthers adds diversity. Similarly animals also shows disagreement over their types, classes and species such has in turn then various mode of organ systems.
Some animals are useful and while other are harmful. This disagreement can also be seen beautifully in humans. There is variety in their languages, their likes, dislikes, opinions, customs and traditions, Moreover they have various color of shape i.e. some are black, few are whitish and other are red and white . Similarly some have high intelligence level and can precise better than other individuals. Some individuals like to live with others while other favors loneliness. In same manner, various individual can be seen in the environment believing in different religions of the world and further more, there are few people that are also reflecting various sects, sub sects etc.
The diversity is not only restricted to plants, animals and human but it is equally applicable to other objects. Land is also much contributing to the diversity of the universe.
It has berries, fertile, uneven parts. At some places the color of the of the soil or sand is also change.
The mixture of various gases in atmosphere consisting of different features and properties and participating in various phenomena is clear indications of diversity.
Liquid is also not lagging behind in this beautiful game some viscous, few are non-viscous, Moreover volatility, density, melting and boiling points etc. also shows differences.
From the above discussion we come to conclusion that nature like diversity and because of this diversity world is beautiful and everyone can protect his/her interest betterly.
Suppose for a while, if there were no diversity in universe, what would happens?
Simply then the world would never move forward to achieve progress in various fields.
It is fact that if some weather or seasons are remain unchanged then individuals become bored. They want to see change in season.

The question which, I want to ask from you is that when everything in the universe is strongly favoring diversity then why some individuals in the universe or around you are try to discourage disagreement. When Allah Almighty, the creator of the universe, is advocating diversity, as evident from all natural things i.e. plants, animals etc. then who has given power to the individual to resist other opinions. Here I want to clear one things more, that disagreements must be promoted if the result is best. In other words “A” must disagree from “B” opinion if he/she has valid argument and authenticity.
The word “Valid” mean your argument must be in consistent with methods, standards ways, techniques as given by the creator(Allah) of the universe through their Holy prophet(SAW) and then the followers of the Holy prophet(PBUH) and so on
A detract study revealed that an individual disagree from other due to following reasons.

  1. Ignorance:
    One of major factor behind the disagreement one does not know completely about phenomena or process. He/she occupies less knowledge about discussed phenomena. He/she strongly restricts to his/her limited knowledge. Therefore, he disagree.

  2. Fanatics:
    An individual also reject a good opinion of other because he/she thinks that other do not belong to his/her party or sect, or religion or state. Therefore, he is totally wrong and unbearable.
    Its my own opinion that an idea or opinion in consistent with the above validity, can never be completely wrong or correct similarly on this principle, an individual may have some flaws but he cannot be called as completely bad and worst. In the same manner if an individual commits some goodness or virtue then it does not mean that as he is various or rightful person. It therefore, it is requested in your kind honor to respect the opinion of other to promote Diversity.