Less than a year ago, from a vacant lot we made possession and communicated to the environment ministry to donate plants, the request was accepted and we made the planting of these plants, with the protests suffered by the country we could not go down to water that led to that the place would be filled with dirty, garbage, the mountain grew
I spend time and here we are picking up again, I show you how it is now, there is only one part that we already clean, we water every two days, it depends if there is water or not, those who read me know that my passion is animals, because this project I did not start it, my mother-in-law and my wife started her passion are the plants and here a sample of it
Hace menos de un año, de un terreno baldio hicimos posesion y comunicamos al ministerio del ambiente para que donara plantas , fue aceptada la peticion y hicimos la siembra de dichas plantas , con las protestas que sufrio el pais no podiamos bajar a regar eso llevo a que se llenara el lugar de sucio,basura,el monte crecio
Paso el tiempo y aqui estamos retomando de nuevo, les muestro como esta ahora, solo hay una parte que ya limpiamos ,regamos cada dos dias depende si hay agua o no, los que me leen saben que mi pasion son los animales, pues este proyecto no lo comenze yo, lo comenzo mi suegra y mi esposa su pasion son las plantas y aqui una muestra de ello
The fruit plants that are sown are the cemeruco
The accounts associated with this project: @marianelamendoza, @nellyperez
*Las plantas frutales que estan sembradas son el cemeruco
Las cuentas aliadas a este proyecto : @marianelamendoza , @nellyperez
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