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RE: Five Facts You Never Knew About Birds in the Winter! NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY

in #nature7 years ago

Chris, your pictures of the birds are beautiful! The red and yellow birds are such a vibrant color. And all the others look adorable!

That is so nice of you to feed them! I never thought of that. I just may have to leave some food out for them. I didn't know certain ones don't fly to the south.

Thanks for sharing the pics and stay safe and warm!


Hi there Anna! Thank you so much! You are too kind. I love feeding them and I'm sure it helps as the ground is frozen. I have a hard time keeping the feral cats away and also the Hawks! I'm only a mile to Downtown Richmond. That's a scary sight, lol! However, it is something to o and I bet you could get some great shots of them! I hope you are staying warm too! The Blue Jays will eat bread- meat, etc. lol! They are gorgeous but were hiding from me and I got cold, lol!!

Yes, that is so cute that you thought of them! The ground is pretty darn frozen!

Yeah, I'd be afraid of attracting squirrels around here so I'd have to stay right near the food until the birds get it :)

We'll see when it gets cleared around here. We are in the middle of the storm. I have snow that blew up against my door. Waiting for the condo shovelers and plows. I'll have to clear my car off tomorrow morning. ugh But I'll check out the birds once it's a bit clearer. It's going to get freezing here too. -25 wind chill on Saturday morning. brrrrr