Tinggu cliff city is one of the municipalities of 33 districts / cities in North Sumatra. Located about 78 km from Medan (capital of North Sumatra province, 50 km from Lubukpakam, 47 km from Siantar and 97 km from Parapat.
Tebing Tinggi Sumatra is located on the main traffic, which connects East and Central Crossing Lintas Sumatera through cross diagonally at Jalan Tebing Tinggi, Siantar, Parapat, Balige and Siborong-borong.
In the long term (20 years, 2006-2025), Tebing Tinggi will be: "City Services and Trade with quality human resources". (Regulation No. 04 Year 2006 ttg RPJPD Tebing Tinggi)
I took this photo from natural tebing tinggi medan sumatra utara.
taken with the smartphone camera of Xiaomi Redmi 3
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incredible view and nice photos...plz do more like this man @anwarabdullah
Okey thanks you so much @fjragamtok
Awesome. These photos are very cool in the eyes. It's relaxing to look at. Great work!
Thanks you so much @steemangel