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RE: Shrooming sunday

in #nature7 years ago

You have to report as a "complementary work". And pay the taxes of the sales too. :D If you are a professional picker and you sell them you have to have a special license made. EVERY SINGLE work off the books here has to be reported and is taxed. Let's say you work as a hairdresser in a salon and then in the afternoon do a bit of work off the books. This is the same. It is not allowed. You have to keep in mind that 1kg of these babies is 10 euros. Meaning if you are can earn a lot pretty fast. Ofc the state wont tolerate it. :D

It can happen pretty fast. Here inspectors are in the forests. Hence the strange attitude we have. Or they can stand by the roads and check your car trunk. :D Even if you don't get busted that way...Let's say hypothetically I gathered 100kg (thats 1k euros) of these mushrooms. Sure...some you use, some you gift and some you sell. Let's say people are odd that way and you get reported. One bad customer is enough. of them could be an inspector. :D You can be reported from an angry shroomer who picked nothing. :) If you are stupid enough to post on FB a picture of your loot....inspection comes calling. If you were picking in a forest that isn't yours and u pick without permission...again. Reported.

It is just not legal. You can pick 2kg and that is it. The rest is taxed and u pay a fine if u get busted. The same goes for all forest goods, such as chestnut, blueberries, etc.


Wow. That is really full on. Thank you for such a detailed response.