Elderberry juice. I still have it, homemade healthy juice. I have a beautiful elderberry tree, which blooms in May. Then I pick flowers, make natural juice. I've heard that some people bread and fry flowers, I haven't tried them. But the juice is definitely healthier and tastier than the store-bought juices. By the way, I practice all the homemade ones, including this juice.
Elder flowers are rich in glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, carotenes and vitamin C. In the berries we can find alkaloids, carotenes and tannins. Elderberries also contain organic acids and vitamins A, B and C. The main reason for the healing properties of elderberries is in the flavonoids it contains because they are powerful antioxidants that protect our cells from damage.
used in the treatment of degenerative diseases
prevents cancer
prevents flu and colds
strengthens immunity
has antiviral and antimicrobial activity
used in airway inflammation
relieves asthma symptoms
helps with pollen allergies
promotes the excretion of toxins from the lymph glands
helps with acne and skin rashes
acts as a laxative and diuretic
helps with weight loss.
You can pick elder flowers when the days are warm, never after rain. Catch a few dry days and only then start picking. Use it immediately after picking.
Elderberry juice
For elderberry juice you need:
35 elderflowers
4 kg of sugar
4 liters of water
1 kg of lemon
12 dag of citric acid
Mix 2 liters of water, elderflower, 2 kg of sugar and finely chopped lemon. Let stand 24 hours but stir occasionally. Strain the liquid and add another 2 kg of sugar, 2 liters of water and citric acid. So let it stand for another 24 hours and this time you have to stir occasionally. After that, pour everything into bottles.
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