A remotely operated vehicle was used to collect the hatchelling’s egg form the coral reef.
This was about 2 000 meters below the ocean surface.
They live just above the seafloor. Some have been seen as deep as the 7 000 metres.
Images Credit: Courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research
People from the Aquarium of the Pacific, have seen them that deep.
According to a video they are also very good dancers. It appears that this octopus has enough food in its stomach to keep it alive until they learn to catch their own food.
I just put a picture of the egg that they fetched and a picture of the baby elephant octopus in here as they are so beautiful.
All this is available from live science, it is so wonderful how fantastic nature can be.
who knows what is in deep oceans
Nature goes a long way to tell us how organized and beautiful God is.it's a great pleasure watching nature.
It would be great if you could post the links to the oriignal article and author so we can read more directly. I know the name is in the title but not the article itself
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very interesting, thanks for sharing!