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RE: Ozark Trees - Pretty Paw-Paw Pictures!

in #nature7 years ago

I love Paw Paw trees. I grew up the next town over from Paw Paw in Michigan, where the tree used to grow wild along the rivers and lakes there, and the Native Americans enjoyed their abundance. I've only tasted them a few times, but I remember their flavor. I don't remember the flowers so vividly as you have captured them here.

Good job and keep an eye on the trees for when they fruit. If you are the only forager around, you'll probably have more Paw Paws than you can eat.


Thanks so much, @cavemanrob! I had to climb a slippery, muddy slope and balance without falling into the river below to get these shots. Haha! They're just too pretty to pass up.

I've tasted them once or twice and tried to cultivate some of their seeds but never had any luck. I'm definitely visiting this spot again when it comes time for them to fruit. Delicious!

The seeds have been notoriously hard to cultivate, which is why you never see them in stores. They will probably never make it as a commercial crop, which is okay with me, because I love foraging for them. Unfortunately, They don't grow where I live now, but when I visit MI, I try and get out and see if the trees are still there.

I honestly didn't know they grew as far north as Michigan! That's cool. We are in the Southern Missouri Ozarks and they seem to love it here. I know of several places along the Jacks Fork that they grow but I almost never get there in time to actually get any fruit. Those deer and raccoons are tricky fellers!

My understanding was that they aren't sold in grocery stores because the fruit is too soft to transport well . Either way it would make a great market crop!

ETA: Baker Creek sells pawpaw seeds