Fish catches of the beach sampling

in #nature4 years ago

Hi All;

In my previous post I talked about the beach sampling we have done, and the questions related to our fish of interest, the flatfish plaice.
As predicted, we haven't caught any plaice in contrast to earlier weeks when the water temperatures were lower. The expectation thus is that the plaice have moved to deeper water.

Surprisingly, we have caught the most fish of all the sampling activities this year so far. It were not our fish of intrest, plaice, but we have caught other flatfish like small turbot. But mostly we caught juvenile European bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), and common gobies. But also juvenile anchovy, three spined stickleback and juvenile red mullet were caught.




We are still uncertain about these, so if anyone has an idea, let me know.

All photos made on the beach, with telephone.

If time allows, we'll try to make better pictures in the lab of individual fish, next time we'll catch these.