My 6 year old being a MONKEY / This kid can CLIMB

in #nature8 years ago (edited)

I thought I would show you just what my eldest daughter can actually do. I truly think she was bitten by some micro lab technological spider that escaped the same Laboratory that bit Spider Man. What she does is truly an ART form to say the least. I wish I had her abilities. - Enjoy. WE LOVE STEEMIT.

video uploaded by me @crowe


haha nice one. Not a little scary for you to see her do that? Impressive regardless. I bet all boys in her school have a crush on her.

haha. She is a handful for sure.

Awesome, I take my 7 year old boy to an indoor climbing centre called Rokt near me - they have Bouldering walls where you can free climb up and along and also roped climbs to big heights. I will do a post on it in the future as I have some ok photos and it's interesting for the young to learn these skills of balance.

She would love rock climbing on one of those indoor walls for sure.