It was made clear that the brain named itself by a friend of mine and that’s kind of mysterious but reasonable when compared to the rest if you ask me, take a look around its all so freakishly awesome I mean things like, we exhale what the tree inhales, carbon dioxide, but inhale what the tree exhales oxygen. All the signs are there, we depend on nature and not nature on us, yes we have been living together for years now but that doesn't cover the fact that we struggle to co-exist with all that is nature besides mankind. We leave a trail of destruction in our path and yes I said it, WE because you are part of that one race, the human race and we are adding to the annihilation of all species apart of the world. Most of us subconsciously attack Mother Nature and some does it consciously. Don’t get me wrong I do eat plants, Meat, fish and all the wonderful delights the world has to offer but the problem lies in the fact that we take out more than we put back for example, in our daily world today, you can’t spend more than you earn it doesn't make sense, how will you ever get ahead? We deprive some animals and creatures of their natural living space witch changes the natural order of things forcing them to an overnight adaptation to new living circumstances and that is not always good because all is not always capable of drastic change, yes I understand survival of the fittest but don’t you think that’s not always the smartest? I saw something on shark week where they use some dead shark extract as a shark repellent but this drew them to a theory that a reason for sharks feeding closer to the shore lines is because of all the shark Finning that happens in open sea which makes them move away from that dead shark areas, that’s just a small example of what impact we can have without the intention. Now that we are aware of our actions and its repercussions do we stop the senseless act? Do we care more about future generations of the world or the lifestyle we choose to lead now, how can some of us even live while being fueled that evil emotion called HATE?