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RE: Helpful Herbs & Plants With a Purpose - MULLEIN

in #nature9 years ago

Nice article papa. Nature is too clever not to leave any disease untreated. I strongly believe that there is a solution for every problem the body faces. It is only a matter of time before the right herbs or mix of herbs when discovered, will be able to take out cancer, HIV, and the likes.
Some herbs are quite wild and when taken can cause serious injury to the body, but there is an old way of testing whether or not a plant or herb is injurious to the body. Just get a herbivorous animal like a goat, sheep and the rest to have a bite. If they run away from it, it most probably will be poisonous to the human body. If they don't run away but eat it, then the probability that it will be safe for us humans is high. I know, it doesn't sound scientific, but it works.