Ini adalah Danau laut tawar, danau indah yang dikelilingi oleh pegunungan dan hutan pinus.
Beberapa jenis alga tumbuh di tepian. Udara dingin merayap pelan, bercampur dengan wangi bunga kopi. Aku sungguh terkesima melihat wajah malaikat pada awan putih yang menggantung di atas danau,. Beberapa foto dokumentasi pribadi, diambil dengan menggunakan camera ponsel oppo f1 plus
Catatan Perjalanan
Awome nature.... I like it
Thanks Mr. @alol. Anda gurunya 😀
Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have just been defended with a 8.35% upvote!
I was summoned by dianaakmal. I have done their bidding and now I will vanish…
Sneaky Ninja is a very responsible bot, working directly with steemcleaners, actively pursuing spam and abuse on our platform. If you would like to see what steps Sneaky Ninja has taken to fight bid bot abuse see this post and this post. Also know that I am working daily on other solutions.
If you would like to know my personal take on bid bot abuse and why I do not agree with the 3.5 day rule, see this postP.S. If you or anyone you know has been a victim of @grumpycat please know that he has been harming people throughout Sōsharumedia (ソーシャルメディア). Stealing the service that I (and other bots) have provided them and hiding behind a facade of stopping bid bot abuse which he clearly has no interest in.
Grumpycat is a villain that must be stopped to protect our freedoms here on steemit!
There is a resistance that has formed to counter his tyranny.
If you would like to take an active role in stopping this menace and helping other victims like yourself...
Learn More Here
I have also summoned my love, Kusari to offer some limited help to victims like you.
See Here
Thanks @tsaaditia
voteback ya kak
terima kasih kakak
sama-sama @fitriyenni
Saya lihat postingnya bagus2, saya bisa belajar banyak. Terimakasih :)
Senang mendengarnya, semoga bisa menginspirasi sobat @azam
Saling berbagi informasi supaya menambah wawasan. Salam dari kami @steemitindramayu