Dear reader. To begin it would be nice to give a musical environment to reading, if you like you can play the video and then start reading.
first thing i want to say is that I'm not use to write long posts on English, this is my second time actually and I need to apologize with you if I made to many mistake, it would be great for me if you tell me of some mistake you saw in my post in the comments so I could improve my English writing skill in that way.!
Let's go beyond the mountains
Lara is one of the states from my beautiful country, it is located at western center region of Venezuela and border with portuguesa state, these are connected by a route known as the intercommunal Barquisimeto-acarigua and that in its journey is leaving behind small and hidden villages that just few people know about because as I said before, they are relatively “hidden”. Camoruco is one of them and going into the the forest we can found one beauty place of our Lara state what is know as LA OLLA.
The journey is very hard, la olla is found to 7mi ago walking into the Terepaima national park, it is a walk full of difficulties for many people because you need go up to the montains, soil is muddy and sun is very very strong almost all the time, this make some people to get exhaust before to reach the goal, despite this I must to tell you that the natural beauty that you can watch in the place are invaluable and very worth to contemplate.
Let’s begin our travel, we must pass by the abandoned rails of an old train that used to circulate by the place, by the way, she is my sister, my friend and one of the best traveling partners that I ever have @danielalala.
At the beginning it is an easy path, a flat floor and discovered until we start to climb up the mountains and after walk 2.5mi approximately we arrive to the first stop which I like to call; the observer.
A beautiful place to take a rest under the trees, eat quietly some snack while you take the breeze that from there blows and breathe the peace that only nature can offer.
Few later start the funniest part of the little trip, venture into the forest! A magic place where the sight of the sky is covered by the high trees and where we can find a little piece of paradise, places to camping or take a shower in the waterfall or rivers that you find there.
After a long but pleasant walk of 7mi, bordering the terepaima national park and full of adventure we arrive to our goal, LA OLLA, an amazing water well where the walkers can relax into its refreshing water.
Don’t worry about the water’s color, its green color is because an own pigmentation of the rocks at bottom of the well, once being there you can jump from the rock formations, camping, bathe into the well and enjoy of this amazing place.
By the way, if you ask me about the well’s deepness I have to say that I don’t know jeje, I have never touched the deepest point of this, but some people say that it is 20ft.
if you read up here I want to tell you
and tell me
have you visited some place like this in your country?
De verdad amo est publicacion, eres lo maximo!
y yo te amo a ti!! tu publicacion es mucho mejor!
Beautiful place man
thanks body, i really want to show the beauty of my country and not only the bad things that are happening here.
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