Hello relatives.
I've loved facts since I was a kid. A fact is a fact, and it's recorded. I hope you enjoy it too.The photos were taken in AI.Unless otherwise specified.Enjoy watching and reading! 😊
10 facts about bees.
A bee has five eyes, but it cannot see the color red.
A bee can lift a load twice its weight.
To produce one kilogram of honey, bees need to visit about 10 million flowers.
Bees live in every corner of the world except Antarctica.
There are about 21,000 species of bees in the world.
A person can be killed by 500 bee stings.
Worker bees live 30-40 days in summer and 180-210 days in winter.
Bees pollinate about 90% of flowering plants and 75% of major crops.
Bees need to visit about 10 million flowers to produce one kilogram of honey.
During winter, bees huddle together to keep the queen warm.