Mother Nature is Suffering!

in #naturelast year

Foto Original taken with Samsung A51 (Auto)

Every December we have this event, it is a kinda celebration for our kids when they have free time. No school, no homework, nothing because the only road access to their school is totally unable to go through, and the only bridge that connects to the other village is impossible to cross where their school is. But for us as a parent is a nightmare because we have to think about what to do to make a living and to feed the family.

It happens because we destroy what nature provides us to live our lives in harmony, side by side with the other creatures, side by side with the nature that has provided us so much. Greed is something that destroys us, just take anything for our own to fulfill our desires without respecting Mother Nature who has suffered a lot from our actions.

The flood easily strikes us without warning, and even within hours of rain, the water could rise up to a foot high. It is time to stop wasting time and torturing nature. Stop taking anything without consideration of the future generation's needs.

What we need to do is a permanent solution to avoid the same situation next December and next December..., next generation!. It is time to realize as a part of society, we also have the responsibility to keep the balance between taking and giving. Live our life with Mother Nature in harmony.
