A Great Weekend in Ireland

in #nature8 years ago

Excuses, excuses, excuses…
OK. So, to say the least, I don’t have a Steemit routine yet. Well, at the moment I don’t have an anything routine yet. But I do have an excuse. I went away last weekend. To West Cork in Ireland!

It’s a bit mad to go to West Cork for a long weekend. It took 6 hours to get there by car from Dublin Airport and about the same coming back. But for the time I was there time slowed down and it was sooooo worth the trip.

I went for a friend’s (big) birthday. Most of us were staying here.

Irish weather
Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t great, so most of the time the view was a bit more like this, with the mist making the sea and sky blend into one…

Irish summer
Despite the weather we went for a walk on the beach. Gorgeous.

And some brave souls even went swimming!

Grand finale
To warm up we ventured on to a pub in Crookhaven, which claims to serve the most southerly pint in Ireland. And a damned good pint it was too!

Ah, the joys of time away...


I hope you kissed the stone of blarney while you were in Cork ;)

I think the gift of the gab is already in my genes...