I like the bonfire, and really want a cookie smore now! That sounds delicious and, somehow, even more delightfully unhealthy!
Because of my eyes, I rarely see rainbows. I like the photos. Is the speck in #2 a bird?
I like the bonfire, and really want a cookie smore now! That sounds delicious and, somehow, even more delightfully unhealthy!
Because of my eyes, I rarely see rainbows. I like the photos. Is the speck in #2 a bird?
The cookie smores were really good! Using my favorite cookie helped as well. Yes, I didn't even notice the speck. I zoomed in and looks like it was a vulture. My kids had said there were a lot out that day and grabbed my phone to take a pic. Looks like I caught one too. We always have a lot of them here. Good eye.
Oooh, vultures are interesting. Not the prettiest birds, but interesting to watch. They weren't circling overhead like in the cowboy movies, I hope!