I understand on the snow shovel heart attack. One of the problems is sucking that cold air into your lungs as you start breathing harder. Ugh on all that.
I like it here. Katie should be here in about 12 days. She is like you. She is young. She is 20.
"oops. Maybe that makes her feel like an old woman. Ha ha" I shouldn't say that. lol
So she should know everything technology. I am counting on that.
"She has an iphone 8 if that means anything? Does that mean anything?"
If she doesn't. We will have to learn together. She has to get on Steemit.
Household ground rules. Ha ha
If she knew what was in store for her. She might say. As kids do.
"I'm good." It is OK. Suddenly the cold weather doesn't seem so bad. Ha
Just kidding.