We don't normally associate Cali with being cold, but i suppose it is a super long state :)
Another great set of photos making me jealous! We have plenty of places to go hiking and climbing here but of course it is a million degrees at all times and therefore I tend to avoid it. The good news is that "cold season" is upon us soon so i might be able to wear a pair of blue jeans... only at night... sometime in the not-too-distant future.
Yes, I was very surprised at how cold it was out there. This area is near 29 Palms, CA right out there in the desert. This part wasn't even the coldest! We drove up to the top of this mountain where there was a lookout . Supposedly you could see 3 counties, basically 100s of miles over the edge of this massive cliff.
I will tell you, I grew up in Dayton Ohio in waste deep snow, and this was much colder. The wind was relentless and absolutely skin piercing! I will not return without a thick coat, that's for sure.
I imagine that where you live you have to wear thick clothes just to protect yourself from the bugs... I would be dying, as I run quite hot!
i'm a sweaty guy too... but normally i will only go on long hikes if there is some form of water feature. The bugs can be relentless but heavy clothes are not the path forward... just bug spray, which makes you even hotter :(