Why nature is essential for life? What does nature give us?

in #nature7 years ago (edited)


Nature is very essential for life because if there were no nature, we wouldn't be existent. Especially trees, they give us the oxygen to live and breathe. Nature is also essential because we have comfortable clothes, right? Some of your clothes are made out of animals.

It looks evident that spending time in nature makes us feel, but relaxed and tension-free. The benefits of nature on human health are much more than you may think and feel. With urbanization, and advances in technology, high-stress jobs, both children and adults are starting to lose their connection to nature. Here are a few reasons why we need to restore this connection and make nature a significance in our lives. 

Psychological well being

There are many studies that support the idea that nature has a positive impact on our mental health. Through comparison to viewing urban and indoor settings, nature scenes have been shown to improve mental outlook, anxiety levels, self-esteem, and stress recovery. A reduction in the production of the stress hormone cortisol, and an increase in alpha brain wave activity have also been observed with nature exposure. Alpha brain waves are associated with increased levels of the brain chemical serotonin, the same chemical that many antidepressants and anxiety medications aim to improve. Alpha brain wave activity is also enhanced with meditation and is associated with a feeling of calmness, while decreased activity is related to feelings of anxiety. Nature can also improve mental and cognitive function. Viewing a scene of nature or being in a greenspace can reduce mental fatigue and increase a person’s ability to pay attention. Improved immunity


Nature immersion can have a long-lasting impact on resistance. This has been demonstrated by studying the practice of forest bathing a Japanese stress management therapy. Spending 3 days and two nights in a forested area, significantly increased the number of immune cells and decreased stress hormones. Because it is known that stress suppresses the immune system and that nature reduces weight, it makes sense that nature improves immune system function. Phytoncides, a volatile chemical released from trees, may also play a role in boosting the immune system. Phytoncides have antimicrobial properties and may have directly increased the number of immune cells when breathed in during forest bathing.


Viewing nature scenes and the presence of green plants not only reduces heart rate and blood pressure but is also associated with a lower risk of overall mortality from stroke, cancer, and various other sicknesses. Additionally, those in the hospital have been shown to have improved recovery time when provided with green plants and a window with a view of trees and nature.

Ways to re-connect with nature and improve your health:

Hang pictures of nature in your office or home.

Use wood when designing the anterior of your house. Research shows that for relaxation the perfect amount of wood on the walls and floors is 30-40% of the surface area.

Use natural essential oils as aromatherapy.

Increase plants, flowers, and greenery in your office and home.

Exercise outdoors. The benefit of nature on your mental and physical health has been shown to be independent of the opportunity for increased physical activity, but when done together these benefits can be amplified.

Set your screen saver to a nature scene.

Get a pet or an aquarium with live fish.

When you have the option, pick an office with a large window and a green view.

Utilize nature as a stress management technique. Make a point to go for a walk or take five deep breaths in the fresh air when your mind is fatigued, or you are stressed out.

Get outside! Go camping, hiking, walking, or try your version of forest bathing.

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Nature gives God. Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent. Colors are the smiles of nature. I can find God in nature, in animals, in birds and the environment. Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. Everyone becomes busy in career and becomes bored. Everyone loves to spend boring, enjoying the beauty of the mind, the mind is good.

Thanks for this detailed addition ...To keep the body in good health is a duty otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. and nature plays a vital role in this way

I'm feeling attached to the ocean and always want to spend time there on my holiday. We are all coming from there originally anyway. And coming from a city like Berlin - I really enjoy nature and travel a lot.

It makes you feel humble if nature and the weather shows it's power.

You can see nice European locations and food on @seelc if you like.

You got uovoted @hamzayousaf

I also love to travel. ... While I'm not one to pass up hanging out by the pool all day, I love exploring the natural beauty of a new place

I will keep on watching your blog. If you would like to see some European nature have a look @seejc
My wife posted some nice German mountain lake (Bavaria) and a great beach resort in the Philippines.

I'm more on food which is always important for a travel too @seelc for food & travel :)

Excellent post on nature......It was good to learn all the benefits nature bestows on us.Additionally, it just goes to show just how much we need to protect and preserve nature at all costs. Thanks for sharing :)

Our natural environment is a priceless part of our heritage. Our beautiful environment keeps us happy so we should protect our environment.We Humans are responsible for taking care of this natural environment.
@practicaleric thanks for nice addition

Amazing. I Love Nature. Nature give us lot of happiness.Nature helps keep us mentally healthy.

Right said...Nature is beneficial for mental health too. It Really brings make meaningful changes in our lifes

Yeah. right. And Thanks for agree with me dear.

I agree with everything you say about nature, like who says nature is our blanket and gives us so much that sometimes it's good to sit down in a park and observe it.

Good addition ..thank u

wow...so sweeeeeet nature,my dear friend @hamzayousaf,very good writing,thanks for share,

My pleasure dear thanks

You are right,,this is a awesome content,,
nature is so important for human being,,I like it,,

Yeah of coursedear nature is important because it possesses intrinsic value, grounded in its intelligible structure. Thus we see a close parallel between goodness and beauty in nature.

Very nice writing my friend @hamzayousaf
Nature is so beautiful and important for all living thing because if there were no nature then any living thing wouldn't exist.

Right said... nature is beautiful because it is alive, moving, reproductive. In nature we observe growth and development in living things, contrasted with the static or deteriorating state of the vast majority of that which is man-made.

Brotherly you have said is all .nature gives us a reason to live , technology and science all evolve from nature.this is actually mystry on our part.

Agree dear nature helps us to connect with this powerful, loving presence.We might feel this presence loving and supporting. We might receive guidance and wisdom. Nature brings uss closer to our own spirit.

Thank you for your review about the relationship with nature, I agree. Being free in the freely gives more peace for the soul..

Thanks for your feedback

very nice contant... the natrue is a creation of Allah...

"Use wood when designing the anterior of your house. Research shows that for relaxation the perfect amount of wood on the walls and floors is 30-40% of the surface area".

Thank you for the tip. I never knew nor hear something like this.


Plz do comment in minimum 2-3 after reading this article then you will get your comment upvoted @moyse

Thi world is the human creation. It is designed to make the world human habitable, just like the nature of the human being.Where nature has been destroyed , people are becoming inadequate in living.