Red Kite
Scientific name:
Milvus milvus.
They are resident and common species.
They have shrill, quavering sound like ‘weoo-weoo-weoo'
The length of Red kite lies in between 60-65 cm.
Wingspan of Red Kite lies in between 155-185 cm.
Typically associated with wood valleys, adjacent to areas of farmland or open country.
They tend to feed on carrion and therefore at risk of poisoning.
Physical appearance:
They are attractive bird of prey with mainly reddish-brown plumage, paler greyish head and deeply forked tail, has black-tipped yellow bill and yellow legs.
Sexes are similar.
In flight they sore effortlessly, often with wings slightly kinked forwards. Seen from below, body and inner wing are reddish.
Wings are long and show translucent pale-grey patch near tips.Tail:
Tail pale grey. Seen from above, tail is orange-red and brown inner wings contrast with dark flight feathers.
That is some great piece of information. Amazing captures. Where eagles dare.
I hope you can keep posting, nature and also birds, and describing them.
A bird who i would really like you talk about is Harpy eagle, the most powerful af all eagles.
I think you are a birdlover. Nice photo's! I think.....
@introvert-dime Stunning pictures
@introvert-dime nices pictures
How did you get him this near ? Beautiful ones !