Environment Daily No. 4: Save Lions 🦁 Defend the helpless! 🌍🌎🌏

in #nature β€’ 7 years ago


Lions are hunted for fun, their coat, claws, fangs and teeth.
Being on top of the food chain the lion fears nothing but still cannot outrun or evade a snipers/ hunter's bullets.

When humans interfere with animals, they become endangered and hurt needlessly.

Let's help animals recover and be safe!

Sign Petitions


Defenders.org movement to save lions before humans hunt them to extinction too.
Link: https://defenders.org/magazine/fall-2010/can-we-save-lions

Giraffes, bears, tigers share the same fate. We cannot let this world be ruined because of our greed and laziness to cooperate and understand.

HOPING TO REACH MORE PEOPLE, let's start caring for our future.
Protect mother nature, and the animals with in. 🌏🌎🌍β™₯️


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Signed the petition! Thanks for sharing this with us.

Woooooow!!! Thank you for helping out!!!!
It means so much to me to help these animals :( β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️ thank you thank you!!

This is really a very important issue we should give an urgent attention. There many animals we see in books that cant be found again live. Why?, because humans have actually showed little or no concern about their existence and in some situations have caused the reason of their disappearance .....may be by reckless hunting and bush burning ..... Lets safe the animals ,the own this world with us.

Yes how many animals are there in books that we won't see anymore. It's scary.
Its heartless .
Thank you for showing care

Yeah, we must help them stay alive ..... Animals have there rights to life too

Yes thank you