Dome Building Spider

in #nature7 years ago

While working for an electrician this past summer, I came across this interesting spider web at one of our job sites.

Work spider dome (2).JPG

I tried to enhance the photo to make it a little bit more visible, but nothing seemed to work well and not make the picture a grainy mess.
Here's a different angle:

work spider dome 2.JPG

You can see pretty much in the middle of the first picture the small spider at the top of its web. This picture was taken in Northwest Ohio so its not some cool foreign or exotic species of spider, I just thought it made a cool web. I'm not sure if the spider built its web in a dome shape, which would be awesome and I'm not quite sure how that would even happen, or if there was some sort of updraft that blew through the web, causing the dome shape. The pictures don't really do the web justice, but I thought it was worth sharing. In person the web had a certain surreal glow to it, as if it was producing light. It is more likely that it was actually just reflecting light from the windows on the ceiling, but I can dream can't I?
If anyone reads this and knows of a species of spider that creates webs like this please let me know. I would be very interested in learning more about this if someone can offer additional information.