Ant update - Increased brood production.

in #nature7 years ago


As the weather changes into Autumn, as we had a very warm beginning, the ants seem to be smashing out the eggs.


The tube gets filled and unfilled during the day.
Mainly filled with pupae.

Inside is packed with larvae & eggs.
The larvae tends to be stuck upon the glass.
The temperature and moisture on the glass must make a good mix. The larvae also serves to create privacy within.



The amazing level of dedication and caring of a colony is inspiring.

Each member is cared for.
The antennae of the nurse ants gently tapping at each brood member. The nurturing is real and purposeful.

I'm @jagged



I knew that image looked odd. It took me about thirty seconds to realise that it has been inverted. :) Nice way to blow my perspective!

ah yah, i just noticed that!

what makes me suspect that you don't live in Alabama?

You're obviously out of hibernation based on your posting volume.
Good to see that you've recovered. 😊
Can't keep a good man down.

I'm not up to speed yet.
When I really get going I post much more.
I'm only averaging 9 posts a day...and 24 comments.
I'll try to do better.
thank you for your concern