An evening walk on the shore. Today there was a pretty nice sunset and calm sea and the temperature not too bad either. Pictures from the seafront below my house.
Er den liten hvit en Måkefugl?Meget vakker sjø, @karja
På den andre bilde eller en due.
Slike pittoreske kysten. Lyse farger, og spektakulære krusninger på vannet ...
Du kan føle idyll av menneske og natur.
Jeg likte bildene.
Beste hilsen, @Singa
Is the little white bird a Seagull?
On the second photo or dove.
Such picturesque shores. Bright colors, and spectacular ripples on the water ...
You can feel the idyll of man and nature.
I really liked your photos.
Thanks. Very beautiful seascapes, @karja
Best regards, @Singa
Shared ✌️
Speechless... Well, not exactly. I did say "wow" silently.
Magical! :D
Oh wow.... that's just... wow... so can we have the next Steemian dinner at your place???
It's cold, there are mosquitoes there, and it's difficult to get there :)
beautiful collection of nature
good job 👍wow it's a very beautiful natural landscape my friend @karja
I love sunset
Magical effects on earth.... excellent photography...
Beautiful, very beautiful
It's a perfect Golden hour photography with wonderful nature..
Absolutely stunning.
The golden light compliments the composition nicely.
So great, another awesome post once again!
Er den liten hvit en Måkefugl?Meget vakker sjø, @karja
På den andre bilde eller en due.
Slike pittoreske kysten. Lyse farger, og spektakulære krusninger på vannet ...
Du kan føle idyll av menneske og natur.
Jeg likte bildene.
Is the little white bird a Seagull?
On the second photo or dove.
Such picturesque shores. Bright colors, and spectacular ripples on the water ...
You can feel the idyll of man and nature.
I really liked your photos.
Very beautiful seascapes, @karja Best regards, @Singa
Muy lindo atardecer @karja
Gorgeous photos! I like the first and third photos best.
aww i loove the tone you used here, woohoo super clickety!! :D
I like the picture with the tree and bird, number 1.