The NASA is informing that something worrying is happening in the area of Western Antarctica, in this place ice is moving in a strange fashion. Every now and then ice climbs and is falling even for about 7 metres. The NASA is launching the team's research a hot streak can be a cause of this occurrence in the terrestrial coat which is deeply below the surface.
Probably ascending from deep inside planets geothermal warmth, he is getting through cracks and close the area and in the process is leading cracks to warming himself up of lakes podlodowych. The effect is so water is being led and carried what next influences moves on the surface of ice.
These examinations are supposed to expand their knowledge about Antarctica. Scientists are examining also a phenomenon of disappearing of ice, constituting the effect of the global warmer weather.
PS a return is being planned to the Moon whether missions to Mars but our Earth still have so much for the discovery.
Antarctica... go see it before it melts?