My biggest catch

in #nature7 years ago

IMG_20160220_213327.jpg It was an unseasonably warm day for January here in southern indiana and after weeks of being cooped up inside i was ready to take advantage of the nice day and do something outside. I was debating on what i wanted to do when out of the corner of my eye i caught a glimpse of my fishing pole. I knew then that I was going to go fishing. I grabed my pole and tied on my davorite fishing lure. I walked down the hill to the pond behind my house and seen that beautiful sight i had missed for so long. It was a beautiful day for January the sun was shinning and reflecting perfectly off the clear water of the pond. I wasent really expecting to catch anything as cold as tge water was but i was just happy to be out enjoying nature. I casted ny line out a few times with no luck then all of a sudden i felt my lure make contact with something solid. I knew that i had just got my favorite lure hung up on a log and i got very disapointed. I was jerking my line trying to get it free when all of a sudden my line went slack and then pulled real hard in the oposite direction. My heart started racing as i knew i haf just hooked a big fish. If any of you are fishermen you know the exact excitment im talking about. Well after a long hatd fight i finally wrestled the fish in and it was the biggest bass i had ever caught. I will never forget my excitement from that day which all started when i noticed my fishing pole sitting in the corner


So, looks like what about a 5 or 5 1/2 pounder? Just what was this favorite lure? Fisherman's rule states that if you're going to post and brag, you've got to provide details!

Yes it was around a 5 pounder out of a small pond behind my house and i caught it on a pb&j colored crankbait made by norman lures

Nice one! Are you going to send us the six pound pictures next year, or did he end up on the filet block?

Always catch and release bass! That way next time you get ahold of tgem there bigger

Wow this is very nice great article by the way

That's a big one!