The body length of the eagle-tailed tail is from 70 to 90 centimeters, the wingspan is from 200 to 230 centimeters, weight - from 4 to 7 kilograms. The tail is short, wedge shaped. Feathering of an adult specimen of brown color, head and neck with yellowish clarification, tail white. The beak of light yellow color in comparison with other predatory birds is quite large and powerful. The iris of the eye also has a light yellow color. Unlike the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), the paws of the white-tailed eagle are not covered with feathers to the very toes. Young individuals are dark brown, the beak is dark gray. With each moult, the young white-tailed eagles become more and more like adults, and at the age of five, the white-tailed eagle completely acquires an adult appearance. Female eagles are white-tailed much larger in size and weigh more than males. In flight, the bird keeps its wide wings horizontally. After the black neck (Aegypius monachus), the bearded (Gypaetus barbatus) and the white-headed sip (Gyps fulvus), the white-tailed eagle is the fourth largest bird of prey in Europe.
Thanks for the support in my messages.@magnata
wow nice photography..
thanks for sharing with us..
wow its pose is really great....It could be a model...😂😂😂
i think...