Watch this video I got of a group of Sandhill Cranes playing around at The Celery Fields. I always love seeing Sandhill Cranes, they are very cool birds. They are generally not very afraid of people and will sometimes come right up to you. You have to be careful though, as their bills would create quit a wound if they were to strike you. The Sandhill's in this video didn't seem to care that there were many people besides me there watching them.
Sandhills will stand on one leg, like a stork, for quite awhile sometimes.
They occasionally like to stretch out there wings and legs. I always thinks this is funny looking. I think that if you put ice under them, they would look like ice skaters.
Here is what says about Sandhill Cranes - not my writing - " The Sandhill Crane is a slate grey color, and the upperparts may display a rusty color. The bird possesses long legs and a long neck with a small head on top, and its wings are broad. Adult members of the species have red skin on the tops of their heads, while juvenile members lack the crown.The Sandhill Crane's habitat includes prairies, fields, marshes and tundra. It is an omnivore that feeds on plants, grains, mice, snakes and insects. The bird also feeds on grain.A subspecies of the Sandhill Crane lives in Northern United States, Canada, Alaska and Siberia during the breeding season, and winters in Florida, Texas, Utah, Mexico and California. The creature stops at certain locations in the United States on its way south.As of 2015, the Sandhill Crane is recovering from low numbers, but some conservationists still see habitat destruction as a major threat to the species."
100% my original work except where noted! Copyright 2018® Mark Vance Photography
I am an award winning filmmaker. Many of my short films have been shown in film festivals all over the Untied States. Several of my bird videos have been used by the Natioanl Audubon Society and seen on TV shows in the United States and Canada.
I went to California State University, Northridge and majored in TV and film production. I grew up in Hollywood, California and made super8 films with Frank Darabont who wrote and directed "The Shawshank Redemption" and created "The Walking Dead" for TV. Also, working on the super8 movies was my friend Greg Melton who is the Production Designer on "Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.".
Thanks for watching!
Amazing birds. It is interesting. I like.
Beautiful post.
Nice shots. One of my favorite of species with an unmistakable sound - especially as a flock flies around. Their social manners are a little goofy though.
It's a great idea to see a lot about birds, which looks very good.
Birds protect our natural balance.
We should be aware of the birds.Writing about birds has presented a lot of good things here.You deserve to be praised.
Future will also write something like this and post it.
Good luck to you!
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Sorry my impudence, kan has pitted the unfortunate fate of me in your post @ Master@markvance
love this photography really tuching my heart @markvance its nataral
you are living near nature !
owo really beautifull & natural thanks for shareing this @markvance
I love this bird its so nice
The bird can be caught. But is it possible to make a cell more pleasant to her than free air? I liked your post, good luck and have a good day :)
I love this your post birds......
Thanks for sharing animals.....
nature ..... animal.. birds..
love it
wow !!!!!!!!!!!!! what a photography.
All of those photo are beautiful.
The bird is amazing...!!!!!!!
Great nature post..Keep it up.
Upvote and reteemit...
I like this birds..Just looking amazing...
Wow i love this bird its so nice
wow .. amazing birds thanks for sharing this anamal.
Check this post for information about delegation. Make me strong!@masterbot has been called by @markvance to give you 15.43% upvote!
Waw !
I like it its so nice
This post has received a 33.19 % upvote from @boomerang.
Very tiny legs hahaha
Very tiny legs ..
I love the cranes, they have a lot of character.