¡You mus talk about the natural remedies! This was an advisement tough to me from a special someone when I was talking to her about the using of natural medicines as alternative way as treatment of illness due to the lacking of pharmaceutical medicines in Venezuela.
This is the worst scenery that my Country is suffering due to the bad policies that they are hammering to almost each Venezuelan people and we are looking for other alternatives to reach solutions for each need, as to move to another country.
One of the ways is to get the natural medicines through the preparation of natural home ingredients to mitigate the different illness or symptoms such as inflammation, intoxication, burns, injuries, and so on.
However, something that has caught my attention of these natural remedies do not cause any kind of side effect in the body. According to last studies in nature there is an Isotope element called Carbon 14, where the atomic mass unit (amu) from the original Carbon element is 14 amu against 12 amu
The big question is why pharmaceutical drugs obtained by chemical reactions, is not present this Isotope while in nature they are abundantly?
As a chemical engineer, trainer, experienced in R & D and an admirer of Life in essence, I learned of the benefits that Nature has with us for the right use of it, especially how this vital element strengthens our body and this of a good reason for the Pharmaceutical area is opening windows to use of natural components without altering from the chemical synthesizing, in order to prepare some new medicines among them as expectorant, healing syrups, and so on.
However, when we fall into some strong disease, the first thing we want is the immediate action towards what is making us sick, that with natural remedies the actions are more slow response in order to minimize any symptoms and to mitigate the focus of the disease .
For that reason, perhaps I am not giving a conference and not to despise the drugs to which we resorted, but to take advantage of this mean of communication to invite you the use of these remedies that abound in our nature at any time of our life.
Nowadays it is more demanding to be in an open mind for new innovations as well as everything that involves looking for the most appropriate and natural way to cure our bodies.
Until the next article.
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steem-network (-2)(1) 7 years ago
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