With not much happening at the moment because she is still incubating I’ve decided to show just a couple of pictures of her turning her eggs, I believe they do this quite a lot but I’m still to learn why
I keep looking every day on the rare occasion she leaves the nest zooming in on the eggs hopping to see some signs of hatching but nothing yet. Thanks for taking the time to look cheers mike
looking forward to the new chicks
surely it won't be much longer ,cheers mike
wow lot of eggs, cool !!
Wow! Those eggs almost look like our quail eggs. Also, I love the color of that bird. I've been trying to photograph some Indigo Buntings over here lately (I think) but I'll have to see how I did...
We have buntings here in the uk but no indigo bunting it would be nice to see one , I’m hopping some chicks will hatch soon. Thanks mike
Just keep checking at intervals, you will definitely see the changes you so desire...
Thanks for sharing @mikenevitt
we must be getting close now.thanks for your reply
Nice one mate, hopefully some chicks 🐣 soon. Thanks mike
Thank you very much cheers mike