Climate change will have many unexpected side effects, that's nothing new. One of these side effects was now discovered by researchers and it might be considered good news... in a sea of bad news.
Not only does vegetation on the planet seem to thrive due to the higher CO² concentration in the atmosphere but plants are also getting more efficient in making use of water and taking up CO².
Land plants are absorbing 17% more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere now than 30 years ago [...] hardly using any extra water [...]
Read the full article:
Rising carbon dioxide is making the world’s plants more water-wise
Rising carbon dioxide is making the world’s plants more water-wise

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Guao, I did not know this about plants, thank you for sharing it
I was surprised as well. :)
yes plants may do well if they are in the right temperature areas but sea levels will rise and the world will be worse for our children - i will follow you now
I'm afraid you're right... if I see news like this I think the process might be speeding up already.
We should be planting more trees, I don't think anyone can argue with that!
Absolutely! It just shows how stupid it is what we're doing to the tropical forests. They are called the planets lungs for a reason.