"Instead of setting our spirituality on an ethereal God of total spirit who will nourish our spirit but not our body, what if we integrate and ground our spiritual leanings?"
Why consider these to be mutually exclusive? I think it's perfectly possible to embrace both ideas. I don't worship the earth the same way I worship God, but I can still treat it with respect and reverence and appreciation.
so do i, but i think oftentimes modern christianity has trouble connecting with the earth (i know there are a lot of initiatives to shift this, but overall that is my experience).
i don't mean to offend or be mutually exclusive (added a couple alsos), just to point out this common disparity in languaging and action.
I always get annoyed by religion or spirituality, but I also get hurt from seeing the destruction an carelessness . It's just sad when people throw a truckload of trash away in nature what happens all the time in Poland.