COLOR - CHALLENGE Violet Biduri or Widuri Flower (Calotropis Gigantea)

in #nature7 years ago

Biduri or Thistle (Calotropis gigantea) is a perda (perennial) shrub. The height of the tree can reach 4 meters. Biduri rods are cylindrical with branches of simpodial type (branch friendly stems). The trunk is whitish green and waxy. The sap stems are white milk color when injured.

Biduri atau Widuri (Calotropis gigantea) merupakan tanaman perdu menahun (perennial). Tinggi pohon bisa mencapai 4 meter. Batang biduri berbentuk silindris dengan percabangan bertipe simpodial (cabang menyerupai batang). Batangnya berwarna hijau keputihan dan berlapis lilin. Batang mengeluarkan getah yang berwarna putih susu saat dilukai.

shoot by Smartphone Xiaomi Redmi 4 Prime + Google Camera


Beautiful flower. :) I like the first one better, because it has more shallow depth of field, makes the flowers stand out better. Anyways, nice photos!

thanks im a newbie :D please vote me