Fruit, leaves, seeds and roots are widely used as a treatment material. Because the elements they contain are very beneficial to health.
Benefits (Benefits) Soursop Fruit For Health
1. Benefits of soursop fruit for diarrhea in infants
How to serve by preparing ripe soursop fruit, squeeze the fruit, then take the water by filtering first. Water sieve soursions were applied to infants 2 to 3 tablespoons.
2. Benefits of soursop fruit to overcome hemorrhoid
How to use it by preparing ripe soursop fruit, squeeze the fruit, then take the water by filtering first. Drink 2 times daily in the morning and evening.
3. Soursop benefits for liver disease
soursop fruit juice and drink for one week in a row. During one week and stop eating foods that other beforehand. Hopefully in this way can be quickly recovered.
4. Soursop benefits to cope with pain in the bladder
Processing methods with half ripe fruit soursop, sugar and salt to taste. All of the ingredients to make the compote, then eaten as usual, eating routine during the week.