the super blue blood mount phenomenon that is happening in aceh is a very rare and unique natural phenomenon.
I took this moment using the camera mobile phone brand samsung, j2 prime type with 5 mega pixel camera quality.
I took a picture at 19:00 pm.
So crazy, this is already happening around the world. I have to wait til tonight to see it! :P Thanks for sharing, sure is a sight to see.
Thank you l like share
Ini hasil foto saya malam kemarin saat melihat gerhana bulan dan foto ayah nya wulan.

Ini hasil foto saya malam kemarin saat melihat gerhana bulan dan foto ayah nya wulan.
Wooow, your phone captured the essence of the phenomenon. I am a lover of the Moon I like it.
I like the writing of your article is very interesting people to comment on your article ,,,
I want tips and tricks from you ,, please help
I like your words that are highly motivated ,, I want to ask for tips and tricks
from you how to write interesting ,, please help. @nisfa14
semua pada pamer photo......shalat sunatnya ada..?
Na lah.
Lheh seumbahyang sunat gerhana meudoa lom.
Natural beauty, Loved the click dear.... Liked it so much ... Night and the moon such an amazing Combo created by GOD .... Thanks for sharing :P :)
Wooow keren masbroo
Nice post pls like my posts so i can i grow like u guys
0.o good photos of the lunar event....
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Khalil380 salam kenal tuk saling membantu
Masih bingung dengan steemit,salam kenal semua
followback ya
lage lam pilem,, mantaap.....
Thanks friend
bntu vote nya punya saya dong bos
Semalam di steemit hampir semua postingan dengan tag aceh ttg gerhana...
Pakon teuman
Kedipan yang cantik
saat-saat untuk merenung dan introspeksi diri,
akan kekuasaan tuhan
Nice picture rakan, patut di upvote post ini
Mantap bang ,neu folback bang
Vote back kawan,
Very cool!
Allah menampakkan kuasanya,,semoga kita selalu bersyukur atas nikmat dan karunia allah swt..Salam kenal steemit..
folloback ya!!!Bravo tat nyoe @nisfa14