The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that, if the flow control structure isn't built, Quarantine Bay will build 5 acres of land a year, and Bay Denesse will build 9 acres of land a year. If the structure is built, all land growth from Neptune Pass will stop.
Interesting article the Neptune Pass in South Louisiana that is naturally building wetlands from sediment via thee Mississippi River. It would a shame is they closed the Pass because of shipping, there should be a balance. All the good that is being done now would be for nothing. I just don't understand how some people can turn their back on nature.
Read the full story here....
Maybe the closing of the Pass will get tired up in paperwork like the permitting of the restoration projects, lol.
You joke, but it might happen, everything takes more time than it should
They need to work with the environmentalist to help nature out a little, that's not too much to ask.
I agree and there can be a compromise that works for both parties
There can be no disagreement that these diversions off the River build land now.
You'd be amazed how some people think.